Saturday, 14 May 2011

Social Networking Doing Good For Once

Yesterday I finally understood the potential of social networking. Facebook has helped me fritter away far too many hours that should have been spent doing something productive simply because it's so damned moreish. But now the useful application of it has come to light to me.

This came round as a result of the photoshoot I blogged yesterday, posting this up online and getting people to look at it got me excited as it really felt like the musical is getting into gear. Through doing this, I was flicking between Alex's blog and Facebook, as well as posting up my own blog on this.

Alex's blog supposedly got 970 views yesterday. That's mad. Almost a thousand views of us messing around with a camera and a suit.

Then Ed Smith popped up and one of his current projects, Boxbeat Robot, caught my eye so I gave it a listen. Give him a listen.

So I was bouncing between 3 different projects of my friends - Jono: The Musical, Mangos and Limes and Boxbeat Robot - and the brilliance of social networking hit me. It was so easy for each party to share their work and get feedback, yet all Facebook is usually used for is posting pictures from drunken nights, talking nonsense and joining groups like 'Your texts are the only thing that keep me going' or 'I hear your name and my heart skips a beat'.

It's just a shame that I don't have any projects going that I can share online. I'm rather jealous that my friends seem to be creating things of worth, from stage shows to music to independent graphics companies (or whatever the hell it is Alex is doing). All I'm doing is slowly getting a BA in English; ground moving, I know.

Well that's rather put a dampener on what was supposed to be a realisation of potential. Ah well, my blogs need to have some element of world-weariness just to fit the theme.

1 comment:

  1. This was my favourite one so far. Keep it up man.
